TSZ Map v 2.12

Added support for retina resolutions on Mac OS X (2.0)
Added new gui skin (2.0)
Added option to scroll through previous chat messages (2.0)
The used mods of a savegame are automatically selected when a multiplayer game is started (2.0)
Added warning if not all mods are installed, that are used in a savegame (2.0)
Added option to disallow multiplayer clients to reset vehicles (2.0)
Added support for dedicated server (2.0)
Added 64bit support (2.0)
Added 16 player multiplayer support (2.0)
Added modDescVersion 13 support (2.0)
Added multiplayer onjoin and onleave messages (2.0)
Added support for mods implements to define their own PTO (1.4)
Added option for mod maps to disable automatic selling of milk (1.4)
Silage now can be put in the feeding trough with a shovel (1.4)
Manure now can be put on the manure heap with a shovel (1.4)
Added parallel guide to all front loaders (1.4)


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